Category Archives: Fun

Did You Catch A Bug?

It’s summertime and bugs have arrived in Minnesota where I live. Children enjoy the discovery of these tiny creatures. So, this summer I’ll be doing a number of library shows on the theme “Catch the Reading Bug!” These fun-filled shows include magic, juggling, stories and audience participation fun. Most of the shows are in south […]

Ben and Randy demonstrate the slap stick

It is our goal through the professional clown comedy tutorials to provide instruction on physical comedy for clowns. Safety is our primary concern. Know you limits and take the necessary safety precautions. None of the instructors are responsible for any injury incurred while trying any skill demonstrated or taught.

The LOL Show Fall Tour

Randy and his team are now booking this “Laugh Out Loud” family-friendly, comedy tour for the Fall season. This knee-slapping, gut-busting show is full of circus skills, magic, ventriloquism, world-class juggling and clown-styled comedy. Here are a few favorite “snap-shots” from the show. More info in the “Shows” section here at