Latest News & Observations

Keep track of where Randy has been and where he is going. There’s always something new going on!

The LOL Erupts!

In October 2023, I was privileged to tour with Don & Ben and enjoy some [...]

Characters & Personalities

I’ve sure enjoyed performing for all types of venues, characters & personalities…and have often done [...]

Being Creative!

I love creative work! I don't believe I could ever work at a job where [...]

Kids Charity Events

When I left for college, I had no plan to work with children. Now, it’s [...]

Laugh & Learn Resource!

In the 1980’s I began my work with children. I soon realized that it’s a [...]


Happy Winter!

2018 was a wonderful year. So far this winter season I’ve stayed busy traveling and [...]

Best of North Mankato!

Hey! Hey! I was excited to receive this honor from my local community. This past [...]

Summer Camps!

Every summer of my childhood I enjoyed time away at the lake by the woods, [...]

Comedy With Simon De Clown

I've done numerous costumed characters, puppets, ventriloquist figures, mascots and clown characters during my performance [...]

2017 Schedule

If you are in the area, please come out to one of Randy’s shows! Here [...]

Soda Pop Machine

The "Soda Pop Machine" comedy mime was written and performed by Randy Christensen.

World Memories!

In the Fall on 1980 I learned how to juggle while in college. That brought [...]

Professional Make-Up Application For Clowns

Randy demonstrates professional make-up application for clowns. This is a segment from his "Clown Training" [...]

World Clown Association

I have had quite an adventure being the International President of the World Clown Association [...]

Did You Catch A Bug?

It’s summertime and bugs have arrived in Minnesota where I live. Children enjoy the discovery [...]

Summer 2016 Travel Schedule

Karen and I are continuing our full schedule during the summer of 2016. We will [...]

‘Animal Antics’ Video

Randy shares a laugh-filled experience called "Animal Antics" with a crowd of grade-school kids! Watch [...]

Chinese Linking Rings

As a 10 year old boy, Randy received his first magic tricks when he ordered [...]

South students learn about ‘Animal Antics’

South Elementary students had an educational and fun experience on Friday through the Animal Antics [...]

Randy’s 2015 Summer Calendar

Here’s comes summer! I’m excited for all of the opportunities! Besides my regular weekly programs [...]

The President

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Recently, at the World Clown Association Convention (WCA) I was inducted [...]

Ben and Randy demonstrate the slap stick

It is our goal through the professional clown comedy tutorials to provide instruction on physical [...]

The LOL Show Fall Tour

Randy and his team are now booking this “Laugh Out Loud” family-friendly, comedy tour for [...]

Performance Music Tracks for Clowns

As a young boy I would say to my friends, “my parents are forcing me [...]

Family Friendly Positive Entertainment

I began juggling and clowning in the fall of 1980 when I moved to Minneapolis [...]

Christmas Comedy Entertainment – Clowns & Santa’s World

Clowns and elves live in the same kind of world. Elves have a job to [...]

Comic Relief

Clowns, comedians, and funny folk bring something to our lives that can go deep into [...]

The Power Skit

Sharing The Fun!

It’s been great “sharing the fun” during the Fall season. In the last number of [...]

Yep, this is HOW we MOVE….


Randy has a new home in North Mankato, Minnesota. At the start of September, Randy [...]

Randy Clown Promo Video

The Next Step Is Almost Here!

I’m looking forward to teaching the “Next Step Workshop” with former Ringling Brothers and Barnum [...]

New Home Base!

We are excited to announce that after a summer of busy performing we will be [...]

Writing Something Worth Reading

Years ago a famous communicator named Lowell Lundstrom said to me, “Do something worth the [...]

Summer Camps on the Way!

Karen and I are planning and preparing right now for a full summer of kids [...]

Next Step Workshop

I’m currently talking with some other national-caliber performance instructors about presenting upcoming “Next Step” opportunities [...]

The Polar Plunge